EPF Solar: Solar Solutions with Unmatched Expertise and Integrity
EPF Solar: Solar Solutions with Unmatched Expertise and Integrity
EPF Solar: Solar Solutions with Unmatched Expertise and Integrity
EPF Solar: Solar Solutions with Unmatched Expertise and Integrity
Phone : 612-889-4780
Email : info@epfsolar.com
Minneapolis, MN 55416
We are a company with over Twenty-four years of experience in various aspects of renewable energy development and finance, including the past twelve years of solar. From that experience, we’ve built an excellent company with rock-solid integrity and the exceptional resources needed to have a well-designed and functional solar system. Our professional management, along with using only experienced electrical companies as partners, ensures that the project will provide you with electricity for years to come.
Our goal is to change the modern world and create sustainable and nature-friendly energy solutions for future generations.
Are You Ready for Solar Energy, All You Need Is Have It Done Well
Solar development requires experience and the know-how to make sure it is built in a safe and cost-effective manner, with high quality. EPF Solar is this vital link for planning, designing, constructing, and bringing your project online for many years of production – solar systems are designed and likely will last for 30+ years.
Solar energy has become cost effective which is driving an explosive increase in solar projects being installed throughout Minnesota and the Country. Solar has become mainstream and important for any business or person that has a long-term vision. Take advantage today:
Solar development requires experience and the know how to make sure it is built in a safe and cost-effective manner, with high quality. EPF Solar is your vital link for the planning, designing, constructing, and bringing your project online for many years of production:
Most utilities provide some type of program to compensate for installing a solar system. The most common programs:
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